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Shopping for a New Home? You May Want to Read This.

Shopping for a New Home? You May Want to Read This.

If you’re looking for a new place to live, you likely have a number of “boxes” you’d like to check, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, how much storage space is available, perhaps a yard, possibly the close proximity to public transportation, and certainly the cost of your rent or mortgage, and taxes—all important.

Why Buy New

Why Buy New

If you’re in search of a new home, you’re likely debating the benefits of a newly built home versus an established one. There are several factors you should consider before you start your search. Let us give you some thoughts to ponder.

Low Interest Rates Create High Hopes For A New Home

Low Interest Rates Create High Hopes For A New Home

The Federal Reserve Bank, the central bank of the United States, dropped interest rates to zero for lenders in March 2020 in anticipation of the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 was not the only factor, but it was a key factor for reducing interest rates to some of the lowest levels in history, and this has created some tremendous opportunities for financing and home ownership.

A Borrower’s Checklist

A Borrower’s Checklist

It’s exciting to buy a new home. However, there are a lot of steps that go into this process, especially when it comes to your mortgage. Lenders need to know more about you to decide how much money they can lend you and at what interest rate. Being prepared to provide this information will make your homebuying experience much simpler and easier.

Why Buy New?

Why Buy New?

It’s well known that buying a home is most likely the largest single investment we will make in our lifetime. That said, it makes sense that we should have a well thought-out plan to make sure we make the best decision that’s right for us. Here are some important points to remember.

7 Useful Tips Before Buying a Home

7 Useful Tips Before Buying a Home

It’s well known that buying a home is most likely the largest single investment we will make in our lifetime. That said, it makes sense that we should have a well thought-out plan to make sure we make the best decision that’s right for us. Here are some important points to remember.

Why You Need Title Insurance for Your New Home

Why You Need Title Insurance for Your New Home

It’s time for Sue and Frank to finalize their home purchase—but wait. Before they sign those important papers, it’s essential that they get title insurance for the new home they’re about to buy. Why would Sue and Frank, or indeed anyone, get this type of insurance? Well, because purchasing a new home is likely to
Time to Protect Your Home and Family

Time to Protect Your Home and Family

Lately, advertisements and commercials for “Do It Yourself” security systems have become numerous. They are cheap and a one-time purchase, but are they the best for your peace of mind, or would you prefer whole-house and yard coverage with 24/7 monitoring?

The Most Entertaining Room in the Home

The Most Entertaining Room in the Home

From 15” TVs in the 1960’s to 84” LED backlit TVs in 2018, we all have one or more TVs in our homes—television plays a major role in our lives.  The family TV is usually crammed into our living areas along with sofas, bookshelves, tables, chairs, and lamps.  Generally, it is near the kitchen and entryway, and often this is not a useful spot for private viewing, or is too small for large groups of friends and family.

2019 New Home Resolutions

2019 New Home Resolutions

The New Year is a great time to set goals for improving your life. Whether the goal is to lose weight, to stop smoking, or to start a new career, it’s the season to set positive intentions and turn last year’s “would have, should have, could have” to “Yes! This year, I am going to!”

Choosing a Transitional Home Exterior Design

Choosing a Transitional Home Exterior Design

One of the hottest trends in new construction today is the transitional home. Put simply, a transitional home is one that combines two architectural styles. It may mean mixing elements of farmhouse design with touches of Tuscan design, or starting with Spanish architecture and adding traditional elements. By blending ideas from each style, you can create a fresh design that aligns with your own tastes.

Spend Your New Home Hunting Time Wisely

Spend Your New Home Hunting Time Wisely

When it comes to looking for a new home to buy, time really is money. That’s because your decision on which house to spend your money on is one you’re going to have to live with for a long, long time. So use your time efficiently, but don’t be in a hurry to find a

From Ashes to Grand Opening
Read about Matt’s Building Materials’ resilient journey from ashes to Grand Opening after a devastating fire destroyed their facility.
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