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Ensure Your New Home’s Future Value

Ensure Your New Home’s Future Value

For most of us, buying a new home is the largest investment we will ever make. And we do so with the expectation that we will get a good return on our investment should we decide to sell. For that to happen, we are hoping and betting that the home will appreciate in value. While there is no sure way to predict home values in the future since much depends on external factors, like when you sell and where you live, building or buying a home that is certified as a high-performance home is a great way to hedge your bet.

Time to Protect Your Home and Family

Time to Protect Your Home and Family

Lately, advertisements and commercials for “Do It Yourself” security systems have become numerous. They are cheap and a one-time purchase, but are they the best for your peace of mind, or would you prefer whole-house and yard coverage with 24/7 monitoring?

Real Quality Is Found Behind The Walls

Real Quality Is Found Behind The Walls

Not all homes are constructed equally. Sure, some may look the same, and both may appear to be of high-quality energy efficient construction, but how can a homebuyer be sure that the home is truly what it is represented to be? The only way to be sure is to ask for proof—a certificate that officially recognizes the home as a high-performance home.

The Most Entertaining Room in the Home

The Most Entertaining Room in the Home

From 15” TVs in the 1960’s to 84” LED backlit TVs in 2018, we all have one or more TVs in our homes—television plays a major role in our lives.  The family TV is usually crammed into our living areas along with sofas, bookshelves, tables, chairs, and lamps.  Generally, it is near the kitchen and entryway, and often this is not a useful spot for private viewing, or is too small for large groups of friends and family.

2019 New Home Resolutions

2019 New Home Resolutions

The New Year is a great time to set goals for improving your life. Whether the goal is to lose weight, to stop smoking, or to start a new career, it’s the season to set positive intentions and turn last year’s “would have, should have, could have” to “Yes! This year, I am going to!”

From Ashes to Grand Opening
Read about Matt’s Building Materials’ resilient journey from ashes to Grand Opening after a devastating fire destroyed their facility.
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